valerie wong ︎

☼ design lead @ supermove
☼ based in the bay area
☼ chronic hobby collector

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︎︎︎ about

valerie wong

︎ product designer @ supermove

Designing digital products by day, designing farms by night*.

The Designer ︎
Currently, I'm at Supermove working on simplifying complex core features for our customers and building internal tools for the team. When I'm not doing that, I'm obsessing over how to streamline design processes so our designers can do what they do best. I love creating order out of chaos. Prior to design, I was a digital marketer (read: professional fangirl) running online communities at HarperCollins and Little, Brown Young Readers.

The Creative ︎
I love everything about design. My formative years were spent on Neopets, Xanga, MySpace, GaiaOnline, and AIM. Needless to say, I spent most of my time customizing my profiles and avatars to match all my respective alter egos. AI is cool and all, but nothing will ever be as disruptive than a teenage girl with HTML/CSS in the 2000s. If I could have it my way, you would be hearing Ne-Yo autoplaying in the background right now...

The Recreationalist ︎
I'm a chronic hobby collector. At any given moment, I may be: playing RPGs, reading, drawing, crocheting, bouldering, hiking, skiing, running, or on YouTube looking for the next. If I see something cool, I’ll probably try to do it.

If you want to chat about design, books, or my stack ranking of noodles—you can email me or find me on social under @wingity! You can see my resume here. ︎

*On farming games like Stardew Valley, Sun Haven, Animal Crossing, the list goes on...